The lessons are being learned. Just Breathe

I’m jumping right into it..  w/ no delay.   Thursday night as I sat in the airport in Oregon i received some interesting news which would have blue screened me in years prior.  However, I did not, I got irritated, upset & mad.   But I quickly went into taking a big step back and taking it for what it was worth..   It took about a full day to really click my mind into a place where I could move from an “emotional” response to a “business” response.  Now that my mind shifted I am actually giving the sender of the email major props for the # of strategic comments.. I mean it’s quite good and may have created an opportunity for an approval if I was a DA.  However, wrong person to not think I would see thru it all.

So..  I have learned the lesson!   I see thru the emotional jazz to see the real strategy and I have a game plan to go after the next step..    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to grow over the last 7 years and I feel that I can get better at going from UPSET –> Biz mode.

Now.. here’s the song to help me thru it all..    Pearl Jam – Just Breathe   


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