Earlier this week I went paddle boarding up in Auburn ( it was amazing ), and I jumped into the water, or should I say I feel backwards on purpose to get wet since it was so HOT. I heard a POP sound in one of my ears and finally today I decided to go see the doctor to see what is up (not painful, but irritating) with it. before I get to the results, all my heart, pulse & weight #s are PRIMO!. My heart is beating at a great rate, BP is actually better than good, almost EPIC. AS for my weight, well i’ve kept it at the same # for 3 months’, so It’s time to dial up my workouts & continue my quest to eat better ( slow & steady is my path on this one – not freaking out over a pound here or there, just changing my habits).
okay.. back to the ear. He checked it out and said that I should probably not fly any where for a bit, but no rupture, no major fluid and I’m cleared to go swim/snorkel which is great news since I’m headed out there again very very soon.
So what’s the learning? well the doctor asked me what my heart tattoo was about. I told him after my heart challenges that my tat is a reminder that every day is a new day, you don’t know how much time you have left so you have to get out there & do what you can. Whether that be learning something new, paddle boarding, surfing, sky diving, etc… He said he was having this very conversation with his spouse about if you just work, invest, save for a future retirement that may never come (aka – you wont’ be here anymore). He shared with me that recently a patient he had was diagnosed with brain cancer and was given a specific amount of time to live. He said this made a huge impact on him and that he was on the same page now – each day is a gift.. use it..
Here’s the learning. We all mess up, we all do something we regret, the best is get past it, each day is a new day.. get out there, make a difference, enjoy what you love to do, if you don’t know what gives you passion, then be like “yes man” and try try try..