Wind An Sea Surf Shop

I had the pleasure of taking one of my folks on my team to a local surf shop in San Diego in January and never took the opportunity to share out about the shop and why it matters to me.    So.. let me start.

When I was in college, I lived with my folks best friends in the OC, I finally had the time, the location and the peace to get out in the water actively just about every day, some days multiple times.   While my friends had the latest & greatest surf boards (new style, designs, tri-fins) I kept true to the 9’2″ windansea surf club board.  It was a classic, the rocker, the nose, overall float was amazing and dropping in on a nice face was absolutely euphoric.   At this same time Windansea had a shop on Main street in huntington beach, a great location and tons of cool branded gear.   After a couple of years, they shut down the HB shop, but kept the Mission Blvd shop (in San Diego).

Over the last 5 years I have had multiple opportunities to drop in and see Jim, talk about the past and pick up some great surf clothes.    So.. If you are in town in SD, go by, pick up a few shirts.    Here’s there facebook page -

Now, if you are looking for a new surfboard, their shapers are awesome and I can’t wait to get my next board from them.     FYI:  I’m doing this because I love this brand, not because I was asked to.. (just to be clear)..


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