As we start this journey for sand harbor, I need to scroll back a few days/weeks to start this blog. Two weeks prior, we were on a journey to Tahoe to find sand harbor, however as I blogged about prior we got a new board (probably my last for awhile .. ugh), and subsequently we were to late to the park. This meant out of parking, so we traveled around the lake. As I was talking about this afterwards at work one of the folks on my team mentioned more about sand harbor and the great concerts that were there. One specific item of feedback I did receive was the following, “go into the end and park there for the day.” This wasn’t just helpful it was pure awesome as there were a # of items that made that part of the beach area better for us. 1) Bathrooms were close for Jules & Hay 2) The walk to the beach was short for carrying gear 3) It had great beach entry for SUP and for swimming overall. Thank you MT!
Now let’s fast forward to the day we left, we decided to leave at 7am to avoid any crowds and get a parking spot (thinking back two weeks). We hit the road and it was super quiet all the way there, no traffic, no riff and smooth sailing. However, as we hit the beach we saw one thing we didn’t see two weeks prior.. WIND! It was windy and that manifests itself into small waves that remind me of the ocean, however without breaks and without any consistency whatsoever. What could you do? well we setup camp and waited to warm up from the 50’s to the mid 60’s. After what seemed like 4 hours (maybe 40 mins), I took a board and paddle out to the water marker. It was rough on the way out, but on the way back in was fun navigating through the rolling waves. It was a good workout for sure.
After being on shore for a bit, taking a doze, it was time for the three of us to hit the water. Well, we all made it out, the water was more turbulent than it was just 1 hour prior, however we did it. We had planned to snorkel that day, however w/ all the waves and the COLD water we decided for next time with wet suits. Back to the story.. as we almost finished our trip back to the shore and none of us falling in, what a better time for me to stand up and try to ride a wave or so in. Jules yells out, it’s a big one (wave) and I immediately jumped up to see what I could do.. Yah I ate it.. WATER! It was cold and woke me up just like that.
After the nice refreshing water, it was time to pack up and head home. We hit Tahoe Brewing Company, had some yummy food and started planning the next day.
As I reflect back on they day, I think the best thing that I got for the trip is the $2.00 beanies from ToysRuS that Jules, Hay and I wore throughout the day, but most of all was the great times w/ two amazing women (Jules & Hay).
What can I say about Sand Harbor? Arrive Early, plan well, watch the winds, and above all – do what makes you happy!