I spend enough time on the water that I decided to add another board into the mix for guests, my kids and just to test out a different board style. I went to down the guys at Kayakcity.com, located on e. el camino off highway 80 in sacramento. I looked at the classic boards, but I really wanted to get something that could banged up, dropped, therefore having less stress when the kids take it out. I found a BIC Sports 11’6″ crossover board. Okay so at first I was skeptical since it was a BIC board and I have never seen a BIC surfboard, or anything water for that matter. However after check out the style, the weight, the pads, I realized this would be a good asset to the board shop. I picked up a screaming deal there for a paddle, bag, leash and board for a great price (email me if you want to know).
After picking up the board, I decided that I had to test it out right away.. so I headed up to Auburn (of course), upper lake clementine (again I know). When you find a great place it’s hard to test out a new board anywhere else. I had to unpack the paddle out of plastic, screw the fin in and then it was go time into the water. I forgot the GoPro2 camera at home, so no video for this session, but the water was so peaceful. You could hear the birds chirping, the cranes were flying overhead from the water perch to the top of the tree. Here’s what I realized about this new board, it’s a floater, I had more stability, was further out of the water and it was a lot easier than the Surftech. okay.. but… I couldn’t see paddling that in the ocean, yes I will test it out soon.
So.. with all that in mind.. it was a 7/10 kayak day.
- Water clarity – clarity was awesome. It is so nice to watch fish under you while you are paddling.
- Entry / Exit – Same – excellent..
- Environment – Nice folks. always say hi..
- Company – SOLO day.. so it was great when I fell off the board due to a quick turn and not used to the board, I looked up and boom there’s 1/2 dozen people watching.. YES .. EPIC #FAIL
- Weather – Great day for a tan..
- Cost – Poppy Pass ( surprise surprise surprise).
- Water Level – same as prior.. good point for the year.. just stay to the left when going downstream.. If not – you will ground out. I decided to go right just to test it.. – BAD IDEA.. grounded out, had to walk 50 feet..
- What the specific gear was – 11’6″ BIC sports paddle board, new graphite adjustable paddle, and yes the new water bag for keys & phone, (waterproof) – tested this feature out and it worked great as I did a full submerge. I also highly recommend the BIC SUP
Let’s fast forward to Tuesday – Texting it up with friend Mary and she spoke of a new entry into Folsom. So of course it was game on. I packed the gear and off I went to meet her at the dock. When I found the entry, which was kinda hidden, it was like a direct path right into lake natoma, negro bar and it was awesome. I like finding new places and this was no different. She arrived shortly after the boats were in the water and we were off. It was a great time paddling, talking about good stuff and life’s fun challenges (details will not be provided).
I’m giving this a 9/10 kayak day.
- Water clarity – mixed reviews, in areas was nice, but a few areas were green and some funky plants in the water.
- Entry / Exit – Best lake entry YET. so easy to pull the jeep up, load right into the water and then dock the kayaks.
- Environment – Not to pleased on this note, but not enough to detract from the day. When I first arrived there was a grandma & child there, they were obnoxious, throwing rocks towards me, talking loud and I really wish I could have muted them out.
- Company – Mary is awesome. Enjoyed the company, dialogue and overall good positive vibes. We went out to lunch after and it was all good.
- Weather – Amazing, but forgot to sun block the tummy (you know the pony keg).. Now it’s a red pony keg..
- Cost – Poppy Pass ( surprise surprise surprise). – yet another free adventure to park..
- Water Level – first time here, not a lot of rocks to ground out on, levels looked good, very very slow flow – definitely a place to Stand Up Paddle Board. .
- What the specific gear was – 2 Ocean Kayak, Malibu XL – 3 person kayak’s. waterproof storage boxes for keys & phone’s, body glove PFD’s, paddles, deluxe seats.
I’ll definitely be going back to willow creek entry again, especially with a paddle board, sack lunch and more water.
What’s possibly left to share out? Well tonight just for fun I threw the GoPro2 camera on and took a little ride on my longboard (skateboard).. ENJOY..